European Best Event Awards: drie prijzen voor Obsession
EUROPEAN BEST EVENT AWARDS - Obsession was als bureau in zijn eentje goed voor 3 nominaties en evenzoveel prijzen. Twee keer brons en één keer zilver. Het bureau uit Voorschoten won prijzen in de categorie Meeting Design, Congress/Conference en Non-Profit/Social Service Event.
Derde prijs Congress/Conferences met The Netherlands EU Presidency 2016:
EventBranche.nl sprak tijdens EuBEA met zowel Gerben, Jan en Neeltje van Obsession als enkele juryleden. De reden dat Obsession in de prijzen viel? De gedurfde aanpak met 18 verschillende conferenties én voor het concept waarbij ieder onderwerp tot leven kwam. De ene keer door een krant voor de ministers, de andere keer door slachtoffers of gewone burgers op het podium te zetten.
ORGANISING COMPANY: Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
CLIENT COMPANY: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports
LOCATION: Amsterdam; the [special built] Europe Building and Scheepvaartmusuem at the Marine Establishment Amsterdam (MEA)
TARGET: EU ministers, senior officials and special invitees
OBJECTIVE: To facilitate the European ministers and policy makers in the field of health, (animal) welfare and sports in the best possible way. So they could connect, share visions and create roadmaps with a long lasting effect on European health policies.
18 conferences in 6 months. For each of them we added value by enhancing the content of all topics. Everything had meaning – the program, the creative concept, the communication means, the discussions, the lay-out – so each event could have maximum impact.
The kick off conference for example handled the edgy topic of antimicrobial resistance. Working towards a One Health approach within the European Union, we started by publishing a newspaper for all European ministers. Preparing them for a scenario based policy discussion by showing the different approaches and creating awareness to cooperate.
A high-level conference on Food Product Improvement by reducing salt, saturated fats and calories was another special event. Many high-level representatives from European states, the World Health Organization, the European Commission and public and private organizations actively contributed to this conference.
And so on… each conference had their own theme, approach and execution.
The interactive conferences led to several results. For example the launch of a dementia friendly society, an agreement on the approach of antibiotic resistance and agreements on healthier food throughout the European Union. Also the E-health week was the first to include patients in the program.
PRODUCER: Mieke Put, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
ORGANISING OFFICER: Mieke Put, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
CONCEPT: Gerben Plasmeijer, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
DIRECTION: Gerben Plasmeijer, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
Hetzelfde event won ook de tweede prijs in de categorie Meeting Design. Hierbij nog wat extra info over het event:
FEATURE DESCRIPTION: The 18 conferences were bound to a dedicated event location and still had to be innovative, surprising and effective. Our meeting design therefore was about being creative and thinking in possibilities. For example we proposed different chair settings to enhance interaction, longer breaks to stimulate networking and new communication tools like buzzmasters and mindmapping to add an element of surprise and to invite people to participate in the discussions.
IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECTIVES: Already during the first briefing we agreed on the importance of interaction and innovation. These were the main drivers to design all conferences. With this in mind we developed several interaction methods like mobile voting, professional facilitating and mixed programs to enhance networking and participation. The informal programs during the evening were important social side events, where people got the chance to get to know each other and to further explore themes and topics.
DESIGN BASED ON THE OBJECTIVES: We had an overall Obsession event team to facilitate all conferences. Besides that we composed a dedicated project team for each conference. These teams consisted of content and communication specialists of the Ministry, Obsession’s overall event team and flexible specialists like copywriters, graphic designers, film makers, musicians, etc. We also organized a meeting design gathering to explore possible meeting designs and tools. This worked very well in the decision and execution process.
EXECUTION COMPONENTS: The budget was monitored in detail constantly. The Obsession event team was always well informed about status and spendings. Therefore we had very little surprises. In case of a sub session or side event a deputed project leader was always in charge. We also worked with standardized forms to keep track of goals and results.
MEASURING: We received lots of positive reviews from high level directors at the Ministry of Health from Holland and other European countries. Since most of their meetings are cyclical, reaching goals is an ongoing process and is also subject to a political setting. Nonetheless the conferences led to several knowledgeable results: the launch of a dementia friendly society, the first organized patient-included E-health week, agreements on healthier food and an agreement on new EU rules for medical devices.
Derde plaats Non Profit / Social Organization: Do justice to victims
ORGANISING COMPANY: Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
CLIENT COMPANY: The Dutch Ministry of Security & Justice
LOCATION: 7 theatres in different regions in the Netherlands
TARGET: Governmental agencies and organizations concerning the victim and justice process
OBJECTIVE: To convey a broader view that would enable police officers, rehabilitation, policy makers and court employees to see victims as people once again and focus on their needs through cooperation. The aim was to point out the consequences for victims and incorporate those in head, heart and habit.
The Dutch Ministry of Security & Justice approached us to develop a gripping concept and organize seven regional conferences with all stakeholders involved. The aim ‘head, heart and habit’ fascinated us. We took this as starting point to create a concept that – especially with so many parties involved – would remove the hurdles that are clogging the view and prevent professionals from actually SEEING the victim as a person.
Our approach was unorthodox. We developed a play, based on a true story. A victim of lover boys, prostitution and financial debts told her story on stage like she is reading from her diary. In between the audience received questions about the new European law. It was confronting, compelling and chilled everyone to the bone. It was exactly what we needed to create a sense of urgency so they could find new ways of working together.
In all regions the impact was tremendous. Some regions already made great progress in executing the new law. Others were still at the beginning. It was the starting point of an open dialogue. Real emotions were at stake and this involved the stakeholders to re-think and re-develop their approach.
PRODUCER: Karin Boerkamp, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
CONCEPT: Gerben Plasmeijer, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
DIRECTION: Gerben Plasmeijer, Obsession Evenementen & Communicatie
COPY: Theo van der Hek